This month’s card comes from the Sacred Circle deck created by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason. We have the 3 wands, a beautiful card talking about the end of difficulty and stormy times and the re-building of the foundations of the good new future ahead. There is support from the outside world as well as …
Continue reading 3 wands – sacred circleSacred Circle
This month we have king of cups. This card is about the mastery of our emotional nature and the ability to put our feelings to good use – so there is a sense here of gathering together with people with whom we have a strong attachment; friends, family and like minded people. The dog pictured …
Continue reading King of Cups – Sacred CircleThis month’s card reading for you all is 4 swords from the sacred circle deck. I look at this deck and immediately see an ordered-ness in the natural world. The short cut grass and neat hedges, the flowers in the foreground even seem very neat and precise in their petal arrangement. I have a sense …
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