This month’s card comes from the Sacred Circle deck created by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason. We have the 3 wands, a beautiful card talking about the end of difficulty and stormy times and the re-building of the foundations of the good new future ahead. There is support from the outside world as well as an internal ability to support oneself. This also implies that we find our relationships supporting and helpful because we are able to rely on our own sense of stability in ourselves. No longer worried about being knocked off course by others we are self responsible and self determining. From this position we find it easier to extend ourselves towards others and offer them support without feeling obliged to. Knowing we can always address any needs that we may have for ourselves first and return to helping when we are centered again, and our needs have been addressed.
This card is a 3 and so often refers to a time of creating family, and groups of friends with a family feeling, also it refers to creation in general. We find our creativity high and our ideas can be brought into the world in a practical way. Looking at the card image we can see that fragile plants are supported by sticks and they bear both flowers and fruit. As it is with us. our vulnerability doesn’t hold us back, as we create support systems for ourselves internally and externally, we find ourselves being seen for who we are, our potential and the fruit we bear. Our successes are visible and our future potentials are warmed in the light of day.
So this December connect with others you feel supported by, allow yourself to ask for support where you need it and offer your support to others. Also be sure to take the time out you need to both give yourself mental space and downtime as well as to renew and refresh your inner creativity. Creative projects do well this month and you may consider what you can make for those you love this Christmas, Solstice, Yule and New Year.
Take the lead in events around you where you feel drawn to and don’t allow the storms of recent past to feed fear within, but let go of the old easily and take the positive lessons from hard times to serve as strengthening of your inner self and your ability to be who you are in the world, proud and confident.
This month you can rely on the foundations you have built in previous times, and also to build upon these in direct and enjoyable ways. With the personal responsibility and feeling of support you are also able to extend respect to others more easily than you might usually. Difference is accepted and as you respect those around you so they are also more able to see and respect you. Social events become enjoyable and loving in this positive atmosphere.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner ARIANE. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw use the form in the top blog post to do so or the form on my facebook page. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
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