This month I have again picked a card intending its message will have something in for everyone who reads this, I see many of you like this approach and find some useful insight from the card. This month’s card comes from the Xultan Tarot, a deck based on Mayan imagery and design, full of bright …
Continue reading Hanged ManThis Month's Single Card Reading
This month I have picked a card intending its message will have something in for everyone who reads this – I have explored the meaning of the card and done a quick journey within it to gather more information for your interest. This month’s card comes from the Llewellyn deck, which is a deck created …
Continue reading July – 7 wandsCard for May This month I have picked a card intending its message will have something in for everyone who reads this – I have explored the meaning of the card and done a quick journey within it to gather more information for your interest. This month I have taken a card from the Xultan Tarot …
Continue reading 5 CupsCard of the month – Ace of Feathers This months card of the month I drew with the intention that there would be something in the interpretation that would help all those who read this. The card was the Ace of Feathers. In the Margarete Pettersen deck feathers are the suit concerned with air and …
Continue reading A card for April 2012I recieved a few questions from a recent client of mine that I felt many people may appreciate the answers to so I have reproduced my answer to my client (with her permission here) Client: I will let you know how things evolve and will defiantly be in touch in the future … I just …
Continue reading How does it work? Questions from a clientA card for March I picked a card with the intention that there would be a message for everyone reading this months article. The card was The Universe from the Haindl deck I see that there are many things coming to a close this month – projects that have been going for a long time, …
Continue reading A Card for March