This month’s card is the 6 feathers from the Margarete Pettersen deck.
I look at this card and see a sense of peace come through for this month – connections are being made between our various ideas and thoughts and a new stability in how we view the world. Our difficulties of last month are over and now we just process the events to come to new improved views on the world. It may be that we are involved in some formal learning, or it may be that we are just given insights as we go about our daily life as to why things are as they are and why they have had to be that way – Leaving us with a positive view on all that has been.
I see the card as a very gentle energy, yet also very structured. There is a calmness in how this insight comes to us and it may be worthwhile taking time out to be able to tune into our deeper nature. To have soft time where we allow information and inspiration to bubble up from within us as we connect different things we have experience and learned together and from this form new and creative understandings of the world within and without.
I can see a perfect circle on the card and from this feel the energy of perfection of the universe around us as we allow this month to unfold. I also see an eye shape which indicates the vision that comes to us through June. Vision of a new world, of how we may be a different person to what we thought.
The feathers all point to a single focus, this month it is worth focusing our thoughts and energies on things we true value. It may suggest a time of starting meditation, or some form of focus on our desires to bring them into reality. We ca see clearly to the root of situations around us and clearly communicate our vision to others. Share what you see and what you know. You have the ability now to get to the point very clearly.
Feathers are connected to the air and as such you are able to feel forces that are unseen, catch fleeting inspiration as it flows through you and ground it. There is a good deal of blue on the card which I associate with both clear communication and also healing. It is a good month to allow yourself to receive the healing you need – whatever level it might be on; emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. Putting out the intention that you will receive any healing that comes your way will help attract to you the events and people you most need to repair yourself.
I love the look of the web beneath the main image and the sense of organic structure, the order is helpful, and not restrictive, it allows something of value to be caught, perhaps like a dream catcher – we catch our dreams and so can manifest them into our lives.
Enjoy this month and allow your inspirations a voice, record your dreams, and journal your insights. I feel the revelations you receive now will help you in practical ways and will be sent in a manner that is gentle and unfolding.
Have a wonderful month!