This months card is 4 swords.
We see here a woman asleep and resting peacefully, there is a feel of her being protected from the harsh realities of life by both the mosquito netting and also the loyal dog resting beside her. If we look to the tree in the background we get a sense of the struggles she has been through to get to her current state of growth and how she has had to twist and turn in order to survive and reach out for nourishment.

Applying this to the month ahead, we have been struggling with internal issues in the last month and now it is a time to take a break – the work is not yet over and there will be more to do but it is safe to rest up and gain some recuperation. It is possible if you continue to push forward then minor illnesses, coughs and colds will assist in your taking time out from your usual routines and work. So to prevent this take time before you feel you actually need it and focus on getting good rest at night.
As we rest we begin to dream, this serves to rejuvenate our energies and to help us make sense of changes that we have been making in our lives or that our lives have been presenting to us. Allow time for your inner world to catch up with external changes. We also have to be aware that the peacefulness we are likely to experience in July will be temporary, as taster for what is to come ultimately, but actually just a period of respite before we continue with the hard work of manifesting our dreams, our ambitions and our highest potentials. So enjoy this month’s time out and allow yourself to take space.
It maybe you need to compromise to achieve this, but do not let this worry you – you will be able to get back on the fully authentic path once you have rested. Issues you may have been fighting for in work or your personal life may reach a compromise that suits everyone for now and allows things to move forward, the deeper issues to be re-assessed at a later date when more is known and can be demonstrated.
Within relationships we let things lie, with the awareness that we are extending ourselves for the sake of peace, and that we are not losing sight of our true selves nor our own personal life paths in doing this. Being accommodating shows goodwill and helps relationships find a more satisfying place to be in the long term.
It is not a good time for long term decision making as actually you can not see the whole picture right now, there can be a veil over the truth of things, and some difficulty in finding out the full story. Allow things to rest, make only temporary decisions and return to the issue in a month or two when the fog has lifted and energy is renewed.
It is a good month for allowing your creativity to have a free reign without being at all precious about what is actually produced. Allowing ones fantasies to have a voice and to enjoy ones own thoughts brings a release from the tension of trying hard to stay grounded. It is safe to let go into the world of imagination this month as long as you do so with awareness that much of what you see, feel and think will not be the complete story, however it will be a story and one you can enjoy that can inform your of your true desires in the future.
Retreat from struggle and perfectionism this month in all areas of your life – see it all as good enough – including yourself and take a break. Know you are safe and nothing will fall apart as you do this, you will simply renew yourself ready with passionate energy for the next steps in the future.