This months card reading, where I pick a card with the intention that something in the card’s message will be what you need to focus on this month, is the 2 cups from the Mary El Deck. A very beautifully painted deck, I have been exploring this deck for a couple of months now and find it have a slightly different take on things in some situations.

This card is often pictured depicting a relationship harmony in some way. Here we have two horse like animals one red and one white. The red seems like the life force of blood, passion, and also the possibility of pain from injury that is implied when we through ourselves into something with our whole heart and body. The white horse is representing purity and innocence. I am struck but the activity in the image of the red horse and the reflective stance of the white. Both have a single horn reminding me of unicorns which stand for innocence and in some way vulnerability as well as spiritual power. The background is green on my deck though more blue in this image. I see the green as the colour of growth and the colour of the heart chakra. We connect with others through this center and it forms the basis of relationship as this card shows by the background.
So to this month ahead, I see from this a month where we are harnessing out strength to love. As we remain in our innocence, doing what we feel is right and following our heart – trusting ourselves to be innocent in our action as we intend our highest path. There is as we do this the fear that we open ourselves out to be really seen in the world and that if we do so will we be judged or critised. However when we act from the deepest part of ourselves – from love – we find critism no long hurts us in the deep way we may have fear – it rather activates our compassion for those who are delivering the critism. So we remain in the sphere of love.
This month is a time to trust ourselves and to extend love to those around us. Many of you may find your closest relationships deepening, particularly through revealing more and more of your truth. This may mean revealing the way you are hurt, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable to those closest to you. Taking the risk that the rewards of us being undefended are great. Deeper feelings of connection with others and a greater sense of being part of a community or whole.
Internally I feel there is an acceptance we can come to that we have both active and passives parts to ourselves – both of equal importance and worthy of respect. That each of these parts of ourselves have a connection to the spiritual realms and that the active parts of ourselves is protective and creative in nature, the receptive sides of ourselves listening and transforming. Ask yourself do I need to bring one of these sides more into my life? Do I ‘do’ too much and ‘be’ too little? Or do I discount my ability to create what I want and value only the side of me that is able to ‘be’ and recieve? You may adjust this balance this month and you may find that it is those closest to you who demonstrate to you the side you are trying to develop. So take guidance from what you observe in those who are seemingly opposite to you.
Horses represent strength movement forward and power. They are also in service to us when they allow us to ride them and in the past help us with physical jobs. This card is very much about how can we serve. Once we have recognised our balance then how do we serve the world to make it a better place for all? We can work on inner planes and on the outer planes, both bring results. We can work with our relationships when they bring challenges and use all challenges to ultimately bring peace to ourselves, our partner and the world. When there is a background of love then many things can be achieved, conflicts overcome and resolutions found creatively based as often as possible on our common preferences.
When in conflict with someone, look at what the common wish is between you – whats the thread you agree on. There may be differences in how each thinks it needs to be expressed, shown or understood, however focusing on what is common between you gives you a foundation to work from and a platform creativity can spring from.
As a 2 card, this is a card of partnership, in love, business, and career. Joint ventures are positively highlighted for you this month and disagreements can be resolved as you come together with honestly, vulnerability and commonality is discovered. In every situation you meet ask “What would love do?”
You may also find old relationships come back into view this month – perhaps you see someone from your past, perhaps there is a reconnection with an old friend. Use all the old contacts that arise as ways to bring more love into your interactions. Something is possible to be resolved now. Difference can be accepted and respect and honour of each person possible. The feeling of joy spontaneously arises out of this.
I am looking forward to the month ahead – and see that much joy and love is possible even outside of the obvious romantic relationship arena. As we honour and love and respect another so we are showing this to ourselves and our own inner joy can be released. Our vulnerability can be our greatest strength. We need only own it, make it our response and not what another is ‘doing to us’ for us to find the power in it.
Have a wonderful month, and if you would like any insight into any of the relationships around for you this month, let me know… a quick look or full reading may help you gain perspective if things are cloudy.
I welcome any comments you may have on this card for you.. you can email me or respond on the blog post (where you can also view the card image)
I send you blessings for the month ahead.