This months card of the month is from the Llewellyn deck, a deck based on the mythology of Wales. Here we have the Priestess, Ceridwen. She is pictured as part of the natural world almost completely camouflaged in a sense, but also partially naked and open. So here we see the idea of how we are part of the natural world in our true selves. There is a sense of needing to be natural to our own nature here even if we might not be seen by all. We are being asked to be open and vulnerable and in doing so we find ourselves connected to all of existence. I am drawn to the stone in the foreground and feel this is a message that this month we may well find ourselves really tuned into higher planes and the world of nature and the energies we find there, but that we also need to maintain a grounded-ness in order to safely explore our inner worlds and the more spirituals realms.
There is a lushness to this card with greenery and blue flowers, like the fertility of nature is abundant and unstoppable. This month it would be worth spending some time alone in nature and contemplate the rich abundance of nourishment available to life from the soil and the earth itself. Also noticing how we have a wellspring of nourishment within us – within our spirit and intuitive senses if we take the time to be alone with it in quietness and away from the demands of our busy lives.
The priestess is crowned with a moon and this reminds us of the need to be mindful of our own cycles in life – we have creative phases, productive phases and times to rest and renew, replenishing our energies. This month take some time to go within and listen to what part of your own cycle you are in – what is your body and your mind asking of you right now to be in the flow of your life. Perhaps it is to be more active, perhaps it is to spend more time in stillness in your mind, perhaps it is to express yourself more fully – whatever you feel called to do allow yourself to and know it is part of a cycle which will turn as a wheel does, so there is no need to identify with what you are drawn to do as if it defines you. You are undefinable and free to respond to the world around you fresh and from your core each day.
There are webs pictured above her head and this indicates her connectedness to all things. This month we too may be more aware of the interconnectedness of all beings, and how small shifts in our own perceptions to be more loving, non-judgemental and accepting of ourselves can ripple out and enable others to mirror that back to us and also to be inspired to treat themselves in this way also. Recognise all that you do to further your own growth in love and peace will have effects on the world around you. This can be seen in a practical sense too in how we deal with our own environments around us affects the earth as a whole. So being mindful of your impact on your living space, your home, your natural world around your house etc, the products you use and what you put into the earth will help a more generalised awareness of our impact as a species on the planet.
As we stand independent this month and honour our own deepest values and desires we find greater peace and contentment and also renew ourselves to be able to engage with others more clearly and lovingly when we return to the world. March is a good time to spend time alone and allow the spring season, the rising sap in nature, to slowly awaken us from our winter hibernation and to re-find ourselves, our inspiration and creativity. Enjoy our alone time and journal any insights you gain this month as they are likely to be able to help you in the future.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner ALEXANDER. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw use the form in the top blog post to do so or the form on my facebook page. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
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