Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner Rupali. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw send me an email with your request to be included in the prize draw. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
This month’s card is from the Sacred Circle deck. We have Knight of Wands – key word Adventure!

This card speaks to us of following our passions – he carries the flaming torch and it lights his way. He is comfortable with the unknown and with exploration. For us to get the most out of this month we need to follow what has heart and meaning for us and release any fears of ‘what may happen if..’ Last month saw us step out of our comfort zone having realised that the lack of risk in our lives kept us trapped. Now we take those risks and are not worried or held back by ‘what if’s..’ we express ourselves in our own unique way and trust that whatever results from this is what is needed on our path forward – we may have challenges along the way but these are seen as part of the great adventure rather than something that we ‘should’ have avoided.
So greet all challenges with a creative spirit and with courage and boldness. Know all that occurs will strengthen you and enliven you even if it seems difficult at first.
Allow yourself to follow your creative impulses as this knight is a warrior of the spirit so guides us forwards in our highest expression of our true self. We might have, in the past, prevented ourselves from fully allowing our creativity out in case others judged or criticised us and what we produced. this month is time to release those restrictions and to feel the freedom of being who we truly are. Have a exploring mind, trying things out and seeing what happens, rather than feeling you need to get something ‘right’ just allow yourself to play and explore. What is discovered and what is created will show you your next steps, and will enable you to feel more and more yourself.
This knight is wearing clothing of red yellow and orange, the colours of fire – also symbolic of creativity, passion, physical activity , energy and a strong self-esteem. This month these elements within you grow and are able to be lived more fully than before. You will feel more lively, and active than usual, partly because as you have accepted yourself more fully than before you now have released energy stored within you trying to be something for someone else. Now you let go of this you find your enthusiasm for life increases and you have more energy than you would normally. You can put it to good use to actively create the future you have always wanted. Allow your joy and excitement to guide you.
As the fire of the flaming torch burns so it transforms and releases help energy, so as you transform yourself andyour situations around you so you release the trapped energy there. This may mean you find yourself releasing emotions you have held onto for a long time – doing so sets you free.
So this month take every opportunity that comes your way and looks exciting. Allow the spirit of discovery and adventure to come into your life in both simple and mundane ways as well as in grander more obvious activities. Every moment of our life can be a creative act is we stay present and see every situation with fresh eyes and containing the possibility of creative solutions each day and each moment.
Trust in yourself and your heart – it will lead you forwards into a more exciting life experience. It is a good month to try new things and to get creative in any way that draws you.