This month’s card of the month is 3 cups from the illuminati deck. This is a wonderful card which talks of friendship, celebration and joy shared with others. This month sees a time to appreciate close friends, and family you really connect with. Make some time this month to re-connect with people who are important …
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For July we have 6 swords – a welcome card of release from troubles and a promise of a new start and better times ahead. The card shows a woman and child being ferried across water to new lands. Here we are guided out of the past and into a new future of clarity, understanding …
Continue reading 6 swords – IlluminatiThis month I thought we would stick with the new Illuminati deck. This month’s card is 6 wands. The image is very busy as most of this deck’s cards are, however it means all the image is in focus, rather than just the foreground, this enables us to consider meaning in many places of the …
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