For July we have 6 swords – a welcome card of release from troubles and a promise of a new start and better times ahead.
The card shows a woman and child being ferried across water to new lands. Here we are guided out of the past and into a new future of clarity, understanding and the ability to actually move forward. I can’t help but associate the refugee crisis with this card and also the fall out of the UK EU referendum with this card for the month ahead. It is promising that this month ahead will see improvement in things from these events. That there will be respite from the conflict and from the struggle and a start to rebuild on a new footing. One that is more stable and supporting than the old situation.
On an individual personal level this card also talks about mental clarity as it is a peak card in the swords (the 6) which deal with our thoughts and intellectual ability. We find in July we know what we need to be doing and can make decisions easily. We may decide we need to learn more about the situations we are in or gain more academic skills in the area of work we have chosen. We find that taking in information is easier and that we are able to consolidate and build upon knowledge we already have. Use this month to study well and to express your knowledge to the world for the good of all – you may be the one who is receiving help – then accept it graciously – or the one who have knowledge and aid to impart – be generous and a guiding light. In some situations you may play one of these roles and in others the other.
Trust where you are heading is for the betterment of all and trust in your own inner self to light the way. Emotions are running deep at this time but there is no need to delve to them right now but ride them to get you to the next stronghold where facing an feeling them deeply can be done from a more stable platform. We use our emotions to show us what has to be done, then sometimes we need to simply get on and do the actions needed before then returning to deal with and process how we feel – this month is a time to take action, and to get clarity in our own minds about the direction we need to take.
There is an order to the world and a science of how things work both physically as in physics, but also emotionally and spiritually there are rules and laws that operate top bring about our dreams. Any work with the science of the mind or of matter this month will serve you well. Courses in metaphysical studies, IT, or science will give information and answers to questions you have been asking for a while. As you gain a grasp on how things work technically you can make more informed decisions about your life and the projects you have in working contexts.
So this month be open to learning all you can, care for others in a practical way and forge ahead with your dreams in practical action. There is good reason to be hopeful – that the storms are now over and safe shores can now be reached as people work together to create stability and security where things have been so uncertain in the past.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner LUMI. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw use the form in the top blog post to do so or the form on my facebook page. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
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