The card for the year ahead is the 9 disks but before I continue, have a think about how last year’s card 3 cups was for you. Did your find yourself renewing or forming new friendships? Was there a feeling of being appreocated more than you usually feel? Did you perhaps feel united with a certain group of friends in a new way? As you reflect upon what unfolded last year you begin to see the foundation for entering into the new year ahead.
The card for the year ahead is 9 disks. This looks to be a promising year from the outset. The two major themes that spring to mind with this card are of prosperity and of community involvement. There is a sense of the two being connected also.Following on so nicely from the friendships you deepened last year – this year you gather together in service to the world in some way, whether practically, creatively or simply to enhance positive feelings amongst people you know, this year’s developments have further reaching effects.
When you work together with others each bringing their unique skills together you can achieve more that is possible with any of you alone. Activities that have heart and meaning for you are also highlighted – you may find you are in a circle of poeple with like minds and you can decide to bring something into being by working closely together. Take notice of and value those on the periphery too. Each persons place is important. You might be creating a project within your immediate family for instance and this is satisfying and rewarding to you all – remember too though all those who help you by small efforts – whether it is the postman bringing you the supplies you need, or the neighbours who keep an eye on your plants or pets whilst you travel away. We are all part of communities in some way by recognising how even the smallest imput from someone contributes to your dream you are becoming more community minded and opening your heart to love as you do so.
This card is also associated with the fruition of plans and the abundance that comes from work done well and in harmony with the whole. You may find you are paid for a collaborative project. Perhaps you are fundraising for a creative project through crowd funding. Perhaps you will see an unexpected sum of cash come to you in a way that helps you exactly when you needed it. It is likely the year ahead will see an improvment in finances in some way.
Also a feeling of connection to the world through compassion and understanding of difference rather than through separateness and exclusion – the more inclusive you are of others in an accepting way the more of yourself you accept and love. We find wholeness by loving all of ourselves and also through learning from the outside that it is safe to love our insides.
There is no issue with feeling closer to some than others as all have their place in our world, the inner circle are of overlapping values more than the outer perhaps, but in all, it is the energy of love that unites us and brings peace to everyone. We gather and share our love then together we can serve the world effectively and with open hearts, knowing what we can offer is enough.
With the difficulties in the world around us at this time, this year as we focus on the communities we are connected with and bring as much peace as we can within them, so we collectively are bringing peace to the world energetically. This year ahead has the energy of there being enough for everyone, if each of us follows our own deepest truth and unites with others in trust and respect.
Have a wonderful year đŸ˜€