I intended this months cards would have messages for everyone who comes to read this blog or email. This month’s card reading for you all is The Moon from the Darkana deck. Immediately I am reminded of the following concept : When you are not ready to meet the forcesĀ of your universe, your gods, …
Continue reading The Moon – Darkana DeckThis Month's Single Card Reading
This month’s card reading for you all is 4 swords from the sacred circle deck. I look at this deck and immediately see an ordered-ness in the natural world. The short cut grass and neat hedges, the flowers in the foreground even seem very neat and precise in their petal arrangement. I have a sense …
Continue reading 4 Swords – Sacred CircleI intended this months cards would have messages for everyone who comes to read this blog or email.I was drawn to use the Individuum deck this month for the reading for you. This months card is the 10 of teeth. Teeth are seen as the magic of enlightenment and are equivalent to wands in other …
Continue reading Individuum deck – 10 of Teeth – February’s cardMy usual end of the year newsletter didn’t happen this year – other commitments got in the way and it just didn’t flow – however now feels like the right time. In the Northern hemisphere we are starting to see the signs of spring on its way. This week I saw the first snowdrops in …
Continue reading Newsletter 2014I intended this months cards would have messages for everyone who comes to read this blog or email. I also intended it to be what to focus on as we start the year this January and the theme for the year 2014 ahead. I was drawn to use the Mary El deck this month for …
Continue reading Year ahead – 2 of cups and Death – A Powerful Year of ChangeThis month’s reading is a card from the Llewellyn deck which features mythology from Wales. The card is the Page of Pentacles and there is the indication of success materially and the feel of being able to do projects and activities through December that you have great passion for. On one level you may find …
Continue reading Page of PentaclesThis month’s card of the month is the 2 of cups from the Margarete Petersen deck. The first thing that strikes me about this card is the two faces that are looking towards each other and into each others eyes – it could almost be seen as if they are coming together to kiss. Indeed …
Continue reading 2 Cups – Margarete PetersenThis month I am using the Darkana deck again. For this month we have the Wheel of Fortune. Before I continue I remind you to look back over last month’s card and see how it’s energy manifested for you during the month. What aspects did you experience? Was the message what you initially thought it …
Continue reading Wheel of Fortune – DarkanaI drew this card with the intention of it having relevance in some way to all who read this post this month. The card is the fool from the Xultan deck. This card is a beautiful array of gentle colours. You see the fool himself depicted as a young person with their eyes closed. There …
Continue reading The FoolThis month’s card for us all is the 3 cups. Traditionally this card is about friendship, celebration and a feeling of camaraderie and connection with others. As I look at the 3 cups in this deck though I see a seemingly strange image at first, three women kneeling over urinals looking as if they are …
Continue reading This Month’s Card Reading – 3 Cups from Darkana Deck