This year we are focused on releasing our tendency to worry about things. Challenges that we come up against we need to decide whether we have the power to do something to affect the situation in that moment, later or not at all. As we recognise we can only act in the moment we can …
Continue reading Cards for 2018 – Thoth – 5 Disks and Prince of WandsThis Month's Single Card Reading

This month we have the 5 wands from the Haindl deck – A month where we are being put to the test. The card is entitled conflict – however this battle is willingly engaged in and is a strengthening process, challenging and also developing. We strive for a goal and to be our best versions …
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This month we have 3 cups from Darkana deck. This is a lovely grunge based modern deck. This month’s theme is around friendship and how we connect with people socially. Friendship builds over time and often through shared experience. On the card we have pictured 3 people, being ill after a celebration that has been …
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The card for October is the Ace of Wands, from the beautifully painted Llewellyn deck. This shows a single wand with shoots appearing, and talks of new beginnings, the starts of projects, particularly creative endeavours. Another card connected with beginnings, from last months ever increasing clarity about what the truth is in our lives and what …
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The card for this month is Ace Swords from the beautiful Mary El deck. It depicts an Eagle, symbolic of the connection of earth to heaven. We have in the ace of swords the potential to know the truth of things – to see clearly whatever is in front of us. It is also connection …
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This month’s card is the Aeon. This card is referring to stepping out of how we judge ourselves unfairly and into a more balanced and complete sense of personal responsibility. We need not be harsh on ourselves. We can accept we act and behave as we do and at the same time assess fairly whether …
Continue reading Aeon – ThothThe card for July is from the Llewellyn deck, a deck of beautiful water colour images based on Walsh landscape and mythology. This month of July we have 4 swords, a welcome rest after so much upheaval in the last month. We may still have much to do but this month at least we can …
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This month’s card is death from the Margarete Petersen deck. A powerful card of transformation and change, particularly external change. Often this card arises when the inner work of change has completed, the Tower experience healing us within is over and now we take action to bring about changes in the external world which reflect …
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Firstly I apologise for the late posting of the card of the month for May and thank you to those who follow this blog so closely – I appreciate hearing from you 😀 This month we have the ace of fire – in other decks this is often the ace of wands, and it foretells …
Continue reading Ace of Fire – JaparidzeThis month’s card of the month is 3 cups from the illuminati deck. This is a wonderful card which talks of friendship, celebration and joy shared with others. This month sees a time to appreciate close friends, and family you really connect with. Make some time this month to re-connect with people who are important …
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