This month we have a beautiful card from the Japaridze deck. A deck based on the surrealist art of Nino Japaridze.
We have for November the 6 of fire (wands). This is a wonderful card of success and victory – usually after a period of hard work, it is the performance after the careful and dedicated preparation. The moment promises success. On the card we see a violinist performing to a prestigious audience. We may find ourselves showing our skills in work or play situations to people around us whose opinions we value. Trust your preparation that has gone into all the months and indeed years previous, that allow you to come to this point capable and able to relax into trusting yourself and what you know, the skills you have and your intuitive feel for a situation and the response that is needed.
Your self esteem is likely to be high this month, you are no longer feeling the need to hide your light under a bushel but are displaying it for all to see. Even if you feel you have a long way to go yet to be where you would like to be with work or personal projects it is the right time to celebrate how far you have come and share the success with others.
Remember all those who have made this progress possible through their direct support or through teaching perhaps, or by enabling you to have the time to pursue a project. Whenever we achieve something we also need to be mindful what was required for us to get there – perhaps working long hours away from the family on a business project for example. As we include our community within our success then we share the laurels and it grounds us for the next stages on our development.
Though you may be in the spotlight – concentrate on your own goals and ‘playing’ for yourself to be the best you can for the overall performance rather than being focused on adhering to externally imposed wishes or fantasies. It is a time to express your creativity through whatever medium you are drawn to. It may be the arts – but equally it could be the application of creativity to problem solving and ways of doing things in many other realms of activity or life.
Enjoy this month – all you do is imbibed with the energy of success and the ability to overcome any remaining obstacles to your highest aim. Move forward with confidence and self-esteem. The world is with you and supports you in your success. Remember this is also a moment in time and though an energy that is likely to be prominent in everything this month, cycles will have us return to being anew as this success sets us on a new journey forward. So enjoy the moment, celebrate and don’t cling – we can use the memory of this zenith time to support us through future challenges and endeavours.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner WEN. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw use the form in the top blog post to do so or the form on my facebook page. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
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