This month’s card reading for you all is 4 swords from the sacred circle deck.

I look at this deck and immediately see an ordered-ness in the natural world. The short cut grass and neat hedges, the flowers in the foreground even seem very neat and precise in their petal arrangement.
I have a sense here of the presence of humans in nature. It reminds me both of manicured lawns as well as the more manicured look to the lake district in England compared with North Wales despite it actually being wild. I see that the month of march is likely to bring us into a place of comfort and security, perhaps protected in some way from the wildness of life, the swords seem like a barrier to movement forward yet also very decorative and I feel this is indicating we need to take time out this month and re-coope our energy. Rest and appreciate beauty, perhaps attend to things that have become untidy in our lives, get organised and ordered in order to the return to our mission and goals in the future.
As we clear the environment we are in so we clear our own mental clutter and refresh our ability to have inspiring thoughts and to be strong in the face of challenges. You might use March to physically de-clutter and spring clean the house. Do so in a relaxed step by step way – it is not time to push anything forward – just to take things step by step and re-organise where needed. You may decide that those jobs that have been around for ages need to be done and attend to them rather than pushing forward with your larger goals in leisure and work life. It may mean you need to actually take some time out and rest physically knowing enough has been done for now not to destroy your progress, but that it can take some lack of attention this month to attend to your more personal and physical needs.
Going on a retreat of any kind this month is well aspected and you will find great rejuvenation from activities which take you out of your usual routine. It is a good time for reflection on how far you have come too. As you recognise what you have achieved it revives your enthusiasm and hope for what you can achieve in the future.
The daisies at the front of the card suggest to me that simplifying our life at this time will serve us well and that we can take pleasure in the small things that are so often overlooked. I have a sense of richness of experience coming from looking at the details of our lives with gratitude and acceptance.
Though its a month with a very restful peaceful theme, its not the end of the journey – there will be much to do in the future, its a ‘time out’ a holiday or break, that refreshes us and clears the pathway forward when we pick up the baton again. Enjoy this time – you have worked hard and you deserve it. There will be a time to push ahead later.
Enjoy your month and the peace it brings, don’t fear slowing down, nothing will be ruined by some time out now.