This month’s card reading is the Wheel of Life from the Margarete Petersen deck. There are faces travelling round the image in this deck like a whirlpool some happy some in pain. This card depicts the idea of being affected by the fates in life – how we can feel as if things ‘happen’ to us out of our control. From how lucky we are to how unfair life is.

Things always change. This month is a time for changing fortunes, things seem to get better or worse of their own accord. Though very often when this card turns up the change in fortunes are more within our control then we think – How we respond to something that occurs to us is a key indicator as to whether we see something as a miracle or as a misfortune.
A really good story which illustrates this point is as follows:
“This farmer had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. The neighbours came to condole over his terrible loss. The farmer said, “What makes you think it is so terrible?”
A month later, the horse came home–this time bringing with her two beautiful wild horses. The neighbours became excited at the farmer’s good fortune. Such lovely strong horses! The farmer said, “What makes you think this is good fortune?”
The farmer’s son was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbours were very distressed. Such bad luck! The farmer said, “What makes you think it is bad?”
A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted and sent into battle. Only the farmer’s son, because he had a broken leg, remained. The neighbours congratulated the farmer. “What makes you think this is good?” said the farmer.”
There are many versions of this story (You can see some here) The main theme being how can we tell whether something is good or bad for us – there are always positives out of difficult situations and challenges with things that go well. In terms of the card if we see ourselves as at the centre of the wheel then we experience life from a point of stillness, if we are on the edge of the wheel then life goes up and down as the wheel turns – at the centre things are constant.
So this month we are being asked to stay in our centre of being. As we return to our spiritual source, our Self, our deepest or highest truth then all that happens around us can be perceived from a spiritual viewpoint and can be seen to be miraculous. Look out for the miraculous in everything that happens this month.
The other aspect to appreciate is that as we ourselves focus on being centred in our lives we also then make decisions from our centre and small differences in what we decide and when bring to us different circumstances. This month we can also realise how what we are experiencing, how we feel it, is coming from the degree of centred-ness we have had in the recent past. As we constantly strive for our centre so we improve the flow of life more and more. In my experience this card indicates we are ready to embrace that flow more than ever this month and allow our true selves the control over what we do when. As we do this so we find out truth reflected back to us.
Self esteem is high in the month ahead and we have the opportunity to strengthen this through all that occurs. Increasing our self love leading us to expect miracles in all that happens.