This month I am using the Darkana deck again. For this month we have the Wheel of Fortune. Before I continue I remind you to look back over last month’s card and see how it’s energy manifested for you during the month. What aspects did you experience? Was the message what you initially thought it was when you first read the description? If you feel drawn to share your thoughts on a comment below it would be lovely to hear from you.
Now, back to the month ahead: October.

The wheel of Fortune is about luck and destiny. Often signifying miraculous changes of circumstances. The image on the card depicts a gun with the bullets visible, giving the impression of Russian Roulette type activity. In this was we see that card shows us that events may seem out of our control in the month ahead and that there is another hand at work – we have to only surrender to the forces in control. However there is a good chance of things swinging in our favour. As I look closer at the card I see the image shows me that the gun may have already been fired, it looks handled and as if something active has already happened. So perhaps the idea that the events are out of our control or out of the blue is actually not the full story.
Often it is our previous actions, our intentions, desires, what we have done or decided not to do that are behind the current situation. So whilst we feel lucky, and like everything is falling into place, our fears have not manifested, we can also go deeper and understand how we have indeed created this good fortune ourselves – even if the cause and effect seem disconnected.
Perhaps, out of the blue, you get the pay rise you have wished for but said nothing about. Perhaps a relationship you have been invested in has been going through tricky times and suddenly the person seems to have a chance of heart in a way you never expected and all is well again. Perhaps you get an opportunity to travel somewhere you never believed you would be able to go to through prohibitive cost or practical restraints and now the way forward is cleared – all the obstacles removed. How did you create this luck?
The pay rise may have been created through your wish for it – Perhaps in this way: You became disgruntled in yourself about not being valued so you had the courage to speak more forthrightly about your work procedures, as you were not so concerned about being good enough as you felt “well for the money I am getting I don’t have to be perfect – I am going to say what I think. If they don’t like it and, in the worst case, sack me, then I have the opportunity to get something better..” This leads you to be noticed; your originality, your unique vision; your confidence, perhaps some or all of these were useful. With this continued approach your potential is seen more clearly by your bosses, and so they decide to reward you as they recognise they need to keep you for the benefit of the organisation. In a sense your feeling of being worth more, created a feeling of less preciousness over your job and so helped you take more risks and show people what you could do – leading you to be rewarded. Of course you could have just asked for a pay rise, and perhaps did. The key here with this months energy is that against all odds very positive ‘lucky’ occurrences are around you. You have created them in some way but the trail of events is not immediately clear.
the person who has a change of heart that seems unconnected to you – may be a response to your own inner work – searching for what your part in the conflict was, your lesson, having cleared that for yourself, the other is then stuck, usually unconsciously, by your subtle change in attitude and thus feels safer to shift themselves. It is as if you make space for the other to change.
The travel scenario similarly, you set a wish in motion and as we set our goals in motion and in some way allow ourselves to be changed by our desires so we set in motion a series of events we may not have been able to predict that bring the wish to us in a miraculous way. As we become more and more aware of this process in our lives we can trust ourselves to create everything we desire at the right time for us, even if it seems impossible.
So in the month of October be on the look out for miracles of all sizes around you and allow them to impact on your life. Also the saying “Be careful what you wish for” comes to me. As we take care with what we decide to call to us so we find our lives become more and more in tune with who we really are and what we really want.
I am aware the image is of a hand gun and I get the sense we have a much bigger ‘hand’ in things than we think. If you experience the wheel turn the other way, then there is a similar process to find how we might have contributed to this – perhaps by our own beliefs about our self or the world. As we find how we were part of it so we can then choose anew and miraculously change how we respond to the situation and potentially not call this type of challenge to us again.
If you are experiencing difficulty this month ask yourself What would be miraculous for me in this situation? Can I allow this possibility to exist amongst all possibilities? If not, what is blocking me at least giving this miracle one bullet out of the whole round? As we allow the possibility of miracles into our lives we see more of them. The month ahead is a good month for working with this energy to positive effect in all areas of your life, Home, Family, Work, Personal development etc.
Just remember the unknown has a hand in this too – you have your wish – give a possibility to the miracle, then you have to let go and allow the mystery to fill in the steps. If we get to prescriptive about how the miracle comes to us then sometimes we miss the very opportunity that was knocking to bring our wish to us.
This month may well see you experiencing the miracles you put into place through your work on your inner self looking back as far as May this year. Did the transformations, decisions, and healing you did then have an effect on the positive things you are experiencing through this month?
Lots of food for thought for the month for you – It looks to be a very positive month as the wheel is upright and fortunes take a turn for the better. As you use this positive phase to understand the way of things so you can become more and more aware of your part in your luck and so harness it more often in the future.
Have a wonderful month!