- Every person is capable of deciding what they want in life and which way to go. I aim to empower you to make the choices you want to, giving you extra information to help the process.
- Everyone has the answers within themselves, I aim to connect people with their inner selves through the tarot, my connection to Spirit, your dreams, and visualisations.
- In our lives our pathways are of free will – we choose how to create our lives either consciously or unconsciously. With increased consciousness of what we are setting in motion, we have increased ability to change that route if we desire. I show you what route things are going in presently and the opportunities that lie ahead.
- There are key events in our lives that we can choose to try and avoid, but that at a higher level we have decided we need to go through these things at some time in our lives. Ultimately the situation opportunity will re-occur again and again until we choose to take this pathway and gain the learning from it. I believe these pathways are the keys to our greatest growth and to ultimately the greatest fulfilment of our nature or soul purpose. I can show you when one of these key events is active in your life and help you with how to approach it to fulfil your purpose.
- Other realms of Spirit, Angels, Masters and Guides are always helping us and that by taping into these sources of love, inspiration and knowledge we can be guided to make our lives more joyful and rewarding. I use tarot and meditation to tap into these sources as clearly as possible. I can help you with your connection to the higher planes through meditative visualisation and guidance via my connection with these planes.
- The energy of love is healing, and that tarot, meditation and direct healing have a healing affect as they are conduits of love energy. All my services are offered in love and as such bring the opportunity for growth and healing.
- There are no right and wrongs, there is no judgement on our behaviour, only feedback and signposts showing us how to heal and how to proceed. Using the tarot and my intuitive and psychic ablities I can read the feedback and signposts and am shown the way forward for healing and a more joyful fulfilled life for you.
- Everyday events have a spiritual counter part so the daily struggles and joys of life can bring us closer to our spiritual goals with and without our awareness.
- Issues of relationships, love, business, career, health, emotional position, past lives, our history all these things and others have their spiritual counterpart as everything in life is spiritual. By focusing on these issues in your readings you can gain spiritual growth even when the focus is on the earthly aspects.
- Life is a mirror for our internal processes, we can gain knowledge and healing of ourselves by looking into this mirror.
- I am working for Great Spirit, God, the Higher Power, however conceived of, and as I place myself before your reading I ask that I be used by Spirit to give the greatest amount of help and guidance that I can to help you on your path and help you with your goals. I surrender to All That Is, to allow you to receive the guidance you most need at the time of your reading.
To book a reading and receive guidance that will benefit you go to my Psychic Tarot Reading page
For individual visualisations go to my Visualisations page to book an appointment. If you call then usually you will need to leave a message.
To develop your own intuition and connection with Spirit I offer MP3’s of guided journeys to help you. Visit my Visualisation MP3 page to choose your visualisation.