Please email me for an appointment. If you call then you will need to leave a message.
Available worldwide via telephone and Skype/Zoom video. Sessions can be recorded.
All sessions are fully confidential. Sessions are 50 min long.

- Do you feel you need to check in regularly with how you are progressing in life?
- Perhaps you need some structure to help you stick with your spiritual practices?
- Perhaps you are wanting to develop your intuition and also have regular input to your personal and psychological challenges?
These are the situations we can address through spiritual development sessions. Often we get to our spiritual selves through working out our psychological issues. Issues life presents us with also hold the keys to our current learning needs of our soul. Regular sessions can help you uncover and heal blocks to your spirituality and also gain groundedness to act in the world with integrity and confidence.
I will use all of my skills to help you, attuning to your needs at the time. Sessions are likely to involve a mix of tuning into spirit on your behalf, reading tarot for guidance, channelling a visualisation specifically for you, where you can experience healing, contact with your own higher self, your guides, and accessing your own intuition directly. Appointments can be arranged on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis or as is needed.
Please note though I will ensure you do not become dependent on me for deciding how you should act in your life. My approach is to empower you to make your own decisions, trust your own intuition and heal yourself. I will be able to give guidance, but at times it will be appropriate for me to refuse to ‘tell you what to do’ as it will strengthen your own self to do so.
Sessions are available through Skype, Zoom video, and telephone. Please contact me for an appointment and to discuss your goals structure for the sessions.
Email me Now to arrange an appointment.
Sessions can be recorded if desired.
All sessions fully confidential
(Evening and Weekend appointments no longer available)