This month’s card of the month is Mother of cups from the Margarete Petersen deck. This is the queen of cups in other decks.
I am immediately struck by the energy of firtility on this card and howlush green fields seem to roll off into the background. This tells me that we are able to create as we wish in the month ahead so we need to allow ourselves to express our true feelings to keep our creative channels open. With the Mother of cups we also are likely yo experience a feeling of being able to look after others in a compassionate way. So we just need to remember to apply that loving kindness to ourselves also and we will find we can allow all feelings through. As we do so so we released stuck energy and a freshness comes intop our lives. We will likely see this as feeling more able to connect with people, feeling more that life is flowing around us and difficult situations start to move forward and flow again. The personal emotional release is the key here. To deeply feel as we do without self-judgement allows us to access deeper wisdom. We need not act rashly on our feelings but to know them fully for ourselves and not have judgement against ourselves for them will help us take appropriate action. We need to honour our own needs and meet those we can ourselves and ask for help with the rest. As we look after ourselves in this was we also find it easier to extend love to others.
It is a time where we may find ourselves mothering others – maybe our own children – whether we are the actuall mother of father – maybe the child of ourselves or of other adult friends. As we nurture children inner and outer we also gain access to the feelings of spontaneity and joy, to our own sense of playfulness in innocence and freedom. It maybe that this is new for you or that its been a while since you have had the freedom to do this. With the Solstice, Christmas and New year coming up this month, take the time to consciously check in with yourself and what you need and deal with your needs first before attending to others as we so often do. Then once you have doe this you will feel much fuller and more whole and able to give much more to those you love and care for.
It is a time for confidence in yourself, for personal growth and healing and for connecting up with higher realms. Listening to your higher self and guide nudges to help you make the decisions you need to and to gain insight into problems you may come up against. Trust yourself, with clearly felt emotions you will find your intuition becomes stronger and more accurate and guides you forward in a much more effortless way.
So enjoy the month ahead, make time to play with children and for yourself. Nurture yourself, and then others, and watch how your life starts to bring to your your dreams and opportunities. Any difficult feelings need to be felt fully and then released so you are free to re-create yourself in each moment with more and more connection to your true Self.
May love and peace be with you.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner ARIANE. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw use the form in the top blog post to do so or the form on my facebook page. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..