This month’s card reading is the Knight of Wands from the Radiant Rider Waite deck. Here we see a young knight started out on an adventure into the unknown. Fresh creative ideas are symbolised by the shoots on the wand he holds and the energy , enthusasm and dynamisicm he displays is also shown by the salamanders on his tunic. He is confident and self assured, he has control of the horse and knows he can dirtect it where he wishs.
So this month we are likely to be experiencing the sense of adventure in our lives. We can take risks to explore new ideas, new projects and new actvities. Perhaps act in new and creative ways. Definitely a month to ‘do something different’ – as in the phrase if you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. So do something different! Try new things out – get creative in both how you live and also make some room for creative activities – writing, art, music and other forms of self expression.
This month you are likely to have a high confidence in yourself even in the face of the unknown, and like a teenager, able to simply leap into new things feeling you can take on the world. It is also worth being mindful of the fact that though you feel confident there is still much to learn so keep your eyes open and allow yourself to learn from your experimentations and from others too. Don’t allow the fear of making mistakes hold you back – just don’t try and be right all the time. As we accept mistakes and teaching with humility and honour our own courageousness so we forge new paths for ourselves in life whatever our age.
You may find you have more energy this month than you have had and this can be put to good use. As there will be plenty of opportunities to get things done and to enjoy yourself in the month ahead. You have charge of the reigns so make sure you consciously make decisions, it is not so important what the decision is, but that you make it through choice. Your free spirit nature needs an expression this month and spontaneity will serve you well. What you gather from this experience will help you make more committed decisions in the future.
Travel might be highlighted for you this month as it is in line with the spirit of adventure. There is not a committing move to be made but exploration for the sake of it. If you are trying to make decisions with an aspect of committment behind them you might find it more difficult going this month, if you can step back from any final decisions and allow yourself more time to look at the options and to have fun with possibilities. In a few weeks it will be a better time to commit – whether to a person or a idea or new living situation. This freedom will serve you well to aid a better choice to be made and for the structure you make it within to be more to your highest good.
Have a great month, explore and create all you can and I will be back next month with further guidance for you.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner KERRY. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw send me an email with your request to be included in the prize draw. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..