Ace of Stones in the West – Haindl Deck
Card of the month for October. This months card is from the beautiful Haindl deck. Here we have the Ace of Stones – Ace of disks or pentacles in other decks. It is the card that contains all the potentialities of the rest of the deck so often can be associated with a windfall of money, giving us the potential to do many different things.
It is the foundation stone in new projects and the practical beginnings of ideas developed through conception, desire, and planning phases, now we get started with our work.
On the card in this deck we see a rainbow – often symbolic of the end of the frustrating and difficult story times and the beginning of the new light and clarity in the world – so things you have been frustrated with over the last couple of month clear up and you now can start the ball rolling again with your plans.
There is a sense of spiritual overseeing in the eagle of the card – you can see the bigger picture of things this month and start to aim for what is really needed, small details, small adjustments can make huge changes possible when you are precise about your actions and see them in the context of the overall picture.
Setting the ball rolling on projects you have gained a lot of wisdom and information about is also depicted here. It is time to act on your vision of a better future! Do it now!
Success is possible for all you start this month, though there will still be much work needed in most cases, excepting where something is seemingly ‘heaven sent’, which is also possible with this energetic weather, most of the success is a way off yet, but the beginnings are now grounded and go well. You can trust in what you build this month.
In relationship terms relationships turn towards activities you can share together, towards the building of practical ways to enhance your experience with your partner, and the ideas around how you can pool your resources and use them to gain more of what you love in your life.
Though a material card it is not all money that is being talked about here it is also the prosperity of beauty, lifestyle, nature and richness of living in a wide sense. Practical ideas that have spirit and meaning to your personally are likely to be the things that manifest this month as you are able to be in the right place at the right time to grasp opportunities.
Keep your eyes open – like the eagle and watch for the spirit sent gifts in your life and say yes where ever your heart sings. A more abundant prosperous life comes your way.
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner MARY. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw send me an email with your request to be included in the prize draw. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
Hello Emma,
I would love to be included in the prize draw.. Here’s hoping!
Many thanks and blessings.
Hi Penelope,
I have added you to the list 😀
Thanks for your interest – and good luck 😀