My usual end of the year newsletter didn’t happen this year – other commitments got in the way and it just didn’t flow – however now feels like the right time.

In the Northern hemisphere we are starting to see the signs of spring on its way. This week I saw the first snowdrops in bloom and in our own garden too, a wonderful symbol of hope and renewal. Often seen as a marker that spring is on its way, warmth is coming and the dark days are on their way out. All this practical connection also leads to their symbolic representation as an energy or essence that brings us hopefulness and an understanding that our inner dark times don’t last for ever and the new purity within us comes forth slowly but surely – even a little light can start to illuminate the darkest in us.

Snowdrops in my garden
Snowdrops in my garden

We can start to embrace our own growing confidence in the new – release the old ways in our life and move forward with trust, faith and innocence.

Meditating on an image of a snowdrop can help you attune to this energy in your life – as can actually sitting with the plant in a meditative state – you can mentally ask a plant to share with you any help it may have for you also and allow the answer to pop into your mind.

The image here is from the snowdrops this year in my garden – feel free to use this image for  your meditation if you wish.

Of course there are other symbols and festivals of renewal around this time – we have the Chinese new Year and are coming into the Year of the Horse. A year associated with freedom, things moving forward and no compromising. Some powerful times ahead I think – if we focus on being more of who we really are these transitional energies can be very beneficial. We do need to be careful our impulses are rooted in truth and not just freedom for the sake of it though.

Also we have the pagan festival of Imbolc in the Northern Hemishpere marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring and lambing season. Here in Wales this is called Gwyl Fair y Canhwyllan (Mary’s festival of the candles) and has similar connection to Candlemas and the returning of the light.

With new beginning in the air it is a good time to have a reading and see what lies ahead for you and how to focus on things in your life to be on your highest path.

If you feel the time is right send me an email to book a reading – either by phone or at a distance (without needing to be available when I have slots – I send you the recording on CD or MP3)

My News

I have had a busy year with the various things I offer. I have introduced a new reading type – the quick look reading – to replace email readings – which were time comsuming to do and I could deliver less content than I can when I speak. So the ‘quick look readings’ are only available as an MP3 recording and are suitable for a single topic – though the topic can be looked at rather than just a single question as was the case for email readings. Obviously bigger questions such as “Guidance for the year ahead” are not suitable for this type of reading as a full reading will have the space to really answer this question much more effectively.

On the training front I am now offering an online course for developing intuition with Rider Waite Smith style decks on a one to one basis, though if enough poeple wish to work in a group I can open this up to the group setting too. Let me know if you are interested. I will also be offering an absolute beginners course for RWS style decks this year.

The Thoth courses continue to be successful though I am getting many more requests for them to be run individually rather than in a group setting. Which I am happy to do – people find the timing more convenient this way and are often happier about sharing more deeply through the course too. They start at any time – let me know if you are interested. Details of the Thoth courses can be found here – RWS style courses will be of a similar length and format to the Initial Thoth course – just using a different deck.

I am also soon to release a new course on the traditional and historial symbolism of the Tarot – focusing on the history and various schools of thought that have been incorporated in the main tarot decks over the years, but still with some emphasis on using this information intuitively. If you are interested in hearing about when this course is released let me know.

In the months of British Summer Time I am also offering spiritual mountain walking days – This last year I ran a group day for this as well and many individual walk and talk days. People have been finding the walks really transforming, peaceful, dramatic, and a really good way to connect with nature and their deeper selves. The group dates are not set yet for the year ahead but I will be setting them shortly and also taking bookingd for individual walk and talk days for one or two people. Sign up for my sp[iritual mountain walking newsletter to keep in touch – you can do this by going to my website here and signing up on the form at the side Http://

One to one personal work and also tarot mentoring are also available should you wish to work with me in this way – email or ring me to discuss your needs.

On the note of ringing me – I am now using my Skype number as my main business contact number. So for all enquiries use this number 0161 408 1919 or email me on one of the my emails or through the contact form below.

I have a message on my old number to remind you of the change in phone number if you forget. Our land line has been troublesome this year and I think this will help rectify the problems and make access easier more of the time.

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