This month’s card of the month is the 2 of cups from the Margarete Petersen deck. The first thing that strikes me about this card is the two faces that are looking towards each other and into each others eyes – it could almost be seen as if they are coming together to kiss. Indeed this card is very often about love partnerships and the equality of two people coming together in love. There is a sense of having met one’s equal and ome’s positive mirror. We often fall in love with someone who shows us unexpressed positive sides of ourselves and gives us the opportunity to see this in ourselves. To embrace more of our skills, qualities and talents by example and demonstration.
In many of the cards that come up here I talk about the need to embrace our shadow – those hidden parts of ourselves that we dislike. However this card also talks of our shadow – not the traditional ‘difficult’ parts of ourselves that we have hidden, but the potentials that we have either cut off from through circumstances, or have just never had the opportunity to express them. So this month look at those around you who you love deeply. Friends, relations, lovers etc. Anyone who you feel drawn to with love. As you look at this person imagine you are describing all their good qualities to another person, it can be things as wide ranging as their activities and skills to their inner psychological workings. As you name the things you love about the other then also look within. Ask yourself “Is this something I have within me?” “Do I have the potential to do that? be that?” “Am I already expressing this but am unaware of it?” As you explore yourself from this positive possibility you may find you discover a whole new you through another.
This month is about coming together with others and particularly with one other. It can be in many different areas of life that you experience this. You might find there is someone you come to work with professionally in a manner that benefits you both. You may set up partnerships and liaisons . Romantically you find yourself in love again – perhaps with a long term partner your relationship feels as if it has been re-kindled on a whole new level, or perhaps you find someone who you are very attracted to and you embark on a more committed relationship with them.
This card is coloured in yellows and splashes of orange and green. This says to me that in order to fully love another we need to also fully love ourselves. The process of accepting our self as who we are helps us attract the love we desire from others. This card indicates you are able to love yourself more fully this month and your self-confidence is at a high. This attracts others to you, as they mirror your self acceptance and you offer to them images of their own hidden positive qualities as you uncover and reveal your own to yourself. The green is from the heart chakra and indicates the growth that comes from loving another fully, the orange the passion and love for life that comes out of meeting our equal in life. We share openly and more fully and the more we feel ourselves able to be open the more we can love and accept ourselves as we are and others as they are too.
This is truly a wonderful month to be experiencing love in the world. You may find as you open your heart to love you are able to love everyone you meet a little more, and feel a connection to the oneness that is beneath all separation. The 2 of cups is the first division from oneness and it is our becoming conscious through looking at ourselves through the eyes of another. This way we come into awareness of who we are without judgement, but with love.
Have a wonderful month and enjoy all those positive mirrors around you and see how you are a positive mirror for others. we all helping each other along the road to home.
Awe inspiring reading thank you