The Card for August comes from the Illuminati deck – nothing to do with the organisation Illuminati – this deck is talking about becoming illuminated and the light in us becoming visible.
So this month we have the Prince of Cups – he is concerned with the emotions – with love and romance and with exploration of these areas. He also is connected with desire and the ability to follow it to find ourselves, our souls and who we truly are.
So this month of August bring us joy and passion – allow yourself to follow what makes you happy – this will lead you to yourself, even if initially you may think such pleasures can not be spiritual or wholesome, actually what we desire is showing us how we can best develop. Who will help us and what we need at that time.
This is not a card of commitment though and what you are drawn to may not be a long lasting thing – whether in relationship or in activity terms, however it, or they, are likely to be important people and things to learn from through joy rather than struggle.
You may find your relationships are are a high at the moment and that even if in a committed relationship – this month will being excitement and exploration within the relationship this month . You may be literally travelling to places you have always wanted to go, or you may be exploring activities, and experiences within the relationship with courage and excitement. It can be a passionate and sexually fulfilling time, as you allow your previous restrictions and fears to fall away and you enjoy the excitement of the new together in openness.
if you are single then you may be finding yourself drawn to someone this month with whom there is a great deal of chemistry. They may not be around forever so its not a time to commit, but it is a great time for holiday romances and enjoying the moment with awareness and consciousness of the lay of the land. Relationships formed in awareness of their lack of permanence need not be painful when the time comes for it to end. Positive transformation through these temporary connections can be lasting though.
In general life terms, allow things to flow – like the waterfall pictured on the cards flowing can be a beautiful experience. there is no need to make or have strict rules and ‘shoulds’ this month, as you let go of structure you can embrace the moment more fully and find that the things you want to achieve come together much more easily than you expect. Follow what you have the impulse to do. When you have energy for a task you complete it well and quickly, the next moment your desires change and the energy to do another thing comes to you. Trusting all that needs to be done will get its time and following the impulses you have will help your life flow and be joyful and creative.
The month of August is very good for creative projects where you simply follow the ‘muse’. The ideas and inspirations that come to you now will be more powerful and possible than you might expect and the acting upon them lead you to greater self-awareness and also understanding of your path in the longer term.
With this card there is the exploration of our deepest desires, and from here we can see how we would like to create our lives and take actions to make that happen. This month is about the exploration – the deciding on which path will come easily after the exploration has occurred. Open you mind this month to new ideas and possibilities, as you do so you will enable release from self made traps and prisons of the mind. Assumptions we have made about ourselves and our lives are set free and as we release the need to follow old rules the excitement of the plethora or possibilities before us energises us to create the highest life we can for ourselves and our families.
An exciting month ahead – enjoy it to the full and release self judgement completely – Trust the process it will lead you home 😀
Prize draw
Congratulations to this month’s Free Prize Draw winner SANDRA. You have won a free distance reading – I have sent you details of how to claim by email.
If you want to sign up for this prize draw send me an email with your request to be included in the prize draw. I pick one person each month to receive a reading. I will occasionally send an email to the list updating you of my services etc..
Dear Emma
Thank you sounds like a positive month for all.
By the way after winning your free reading a couple of months ago I posted a comment on your testimonial page but when I looked the other day it wasn’t there.
With kind regards
Sent from my iPad
Thanks for your comment eileen. I have upgraded my site but your comment should have come across to the new one. I will check though and make sure it appears. Thanks for letting me know. Have a good August!
HI Elieen – I have looked into this and actually I can’t find a record of your comments on the old site or the new one – possibly it got lost in the transfer process. I am really sorry – If you would like to re-submit it to the new site area here, that would be wonderful. Thank you.